Wednesday 29 June 2016

Iago. A closer look.

Click the image to access some key critical thoughts about Iago. 

  • Read through all of the ideas as a class. Ensure we understand what each critic is saying about Iago.
  • You will be split into 4 groups. You will each be given one of the critical quotations to work with
  • Imagine the quotation is the starting point for a whole-text question about Iago, and you are going to have to respond 'to what extent do you agree with this view?'. In your group: create the outline of an argument in response to the critical quotation. Your argument must:
    • Have a clear angle/viewpoint
    • Track through the play chronologically, explaining which quotations you would use to support your groups' argument (make sure you track right through to the end of the play)
    • Address the possible counter-argument (BRIEFLY)
    • Conclude.
Type up the outline of your response either using Word of PowerPoint, then upload it to your blog using Scribd (for Word doc) or Slideshare (for ppt).

Friday 24 June 2016

Work to do: key quotations.

Create a 'key quotations' sheet for the character of Othello. Choose the quotations that best demonstrate his journey from respected, dignified soldier, to his tragic fall. Keep them short. You can present your sheet in whichever way you prefer i.e. mind map/list etc - it is for your revision purposes. Include act, scene and line references. Minimum 12 quotations.

Create a 'key quotations' sheet for the theme of reputation/honour. You can present your sheet in whichever style you prefer i.e mind map/list etc. Include act, scene and line references.

Print these off and bring them to the lessons next week.

Sunday 12 June 2016

Othello - Act 5 scene 2. Lines 1-233

"Good gentleman, let me have leave to speak./ 'Tis proper I obey him - but not now!" Emilia [5.2.192-193]
Questions: Act 5 scene 2 lines 1-233

Answer in full sentences, with quotations. Type your responses and post to your blog.
  1. What reasons does Othello give for having to kill Desdemona?
  2. What evidence is there to suggest that Shakespeare adhered to racial stereotypes in this scene? Consider:
    • irrational behaviour
    • emotions
    • danger
    • the 'mystical negro' stereotype
    • representations of the 'other'
  3. Othello tells Desdemona that Cassio has confessed to sleeping with her (line 68). What was this 'confession'?
  4. Emilia says "Good gentleman, let me have leave to speak./ 'Tis proper I obey him - but not now!" [5.2.192-193] what does this indicate about Emilia and society? Consider the circumstances the characters are in.
  5. How is Emilia presented in lines 125-233. Consider the language she uses, how she behaves and what she says to Othello and Iago.
  6. List all of the names Emilia calls Othello when she realises what he has done. How does this contrast with how Othello was portrayed at the start of the play?

Othello - Act 5 scene 1

How does Shakespeare create a sense of fear and confusion in Act 5 scene 1? Consider:
Your response should be no less than 1/2 a side of A4, and no more than 1 side of A4.  It should include quotations. Track the scene chronologically. Upload your response to your blog.

Helpful revision material for Othello

Two sections of the AQA exam will be based on the play Othello. 

Section A: an extract from Othello. You will be asked to explore the significance of the extract in relation to the tragedy as a whole. You will be asked to link to the dramatic methods in your answer. You should also remember to use the elements of classical tragedy in your response. You will be assessed on all of the AOs in this section. Spend approx 50 minutes on this section.

Section B: you will be given a choice of two questions about the play Othello. You pick one question, and answer it. This question will have a statement about the play, and you will be asked to what extent you agree with that view. You will be assessed on all of the AOs. Spend 50 minutes on this section.

[Section C: you will answer a question using two texts to support your response. You will use Death of a Salesman and Keats' poetry in your response. Spend 50 minutes on this section. You have been preparing for this question on the other side of the course.]

Click on the hyperlinks to access the revision resources:
Revise themes
Revise key quotes
Revise key symbols

Your class notes, annotations and homework are also revision materials. There are some useful links on the links list on the right hand side of this blog.